Spearhead MilSim SOP's
When we operate out of an Airbase no personnel outside of Aviation are allowed to cross the active runway on foot or in ground vehicles. All traffic will remain on the proper roads and taxiways
Minimum of (4) Personnel are required to leave the wire to conduct operations against the enemy (exceptions are outlined below).
Base defense is limited to the outer perimeter plus 100m.
HQ reserves the right to amendment.
Minimum of (2) personnel required to conduct logistics operations in friendly areas of operations.
Moving personnel from the base to friendly forces in the field is considered logistics. One person may leave friendly forces in the field to collect other personnel at base. Friendly areas of operations apply.
A minimum of (3) personnel are required for Detachment-7 to conduct autonomous missions.
Minimum of (4) personnel are required to conduct logistics operations outside of friendly areas.
Sniper personnel conducting missions are only required (2) personnel for combat operations outside of the wire.
Being reinserted by aviation in which the total group to include the reinserted individual equals 4 when performing operations against the enemy.
Roles must be filled as per ORBAT, your assigned role is your duty, and you must stick to this role unless reassigned by the active ground commander. To switch roles, you must re-slot.
Do NOT mix ORBAT roles
All equipment, vehicles, and assets must be used appropriately and accounted for.
Reckless use of any asset will either delete our stock or require corrective action.
The active ground commander is responsible for all aspects of their mission on land, sea, and air, and must incorporate all active units within their operations accordingly. The TF Commander at the time retains OPCON of all units, but tactical Control remains in the hands of the sub-unit Commanders (i.e. tell a unit what to hit, not how to hit it).
Aviation may slot in as a basic rifleman under 3ID to prevent burnout of pilots, but may not lead patrols.
It is expected that all friendly vehicles utilized in combat operations be returned to their original staging areas assuming they are still operational.
If they are not operational, recover the vehicle and repair it.
If you are unable to repair the vehicle, recover the vehicle and notate its location and condition via AAR.
If you are unable to recover the vehicle, destroy it.
Markers placed down by HQ are not to be removed or tampered with, they will be prefixed with [HQ]. LOAs must be adhered to at all times unless prior authorization is given by HQ to operate outside of this limitation.
Enemy weapons and vehicles are not permitted for use.
Exception: Should you run out of ammo or have no transportation, have no feasible resupply from friendlies AND there is an immediate danger to life you are permitted to defend yourself at all times. At the EARLIEST opportunity you are to switch back to your primary weapon and must retain your primary weapon at all times. You must demo/destroy enemy vehicles stolen for exfil.
Team killing, executing civilians, or fabricating scenarios to inflict damage are punishable by lengthy bans and on rare occasions, executions.
If a mission is designed where a civilian populace could potentially be turned, a separate notice will be issued to define the ROE.
Horseplay, derping, firing weapons at base (including handguns, rifles, crew-served weapons, smoke grenades, and flares, while not engaged in defensive operations) are not permitted and will be punished by removal from the Spearhead Gaming servers, up to and including removal from the community entirely.
In Spearhead, there are two different qualifications that allow individuals to coordinate fire support: Joint Fires Observers (JFOs) and Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs)
JFO is an entry-level qualification to allow for any qualified individual to call for and coordinate HLZs, mortar fire support and request for simple close air support when necessary.
JTAC is an advanced-level qualification that will allow individuals to call in fire support from CAS aircraft and artillery, deconflict airspace, as well as hold terminal attack control for all CAS strikes.
JTAC training will consist of a two-part training session where individuals must pass evaluations to be qualified.
Only those who have passed evaluations and received their JTAC qualification may slot in the JTAC role for their unit.
All present JTACs (1 per unit for max. of 3) will coordinate with each other on 32.8 to manage CAS assets and deconflict aircraft.
If Fires Net is busy with radio traffic, frequencies 33.8/34.8/35.8 may be utilized by JTACs and pilots for further coordination.
Approved weapons are designated by the MIL-SIM HQ.
Where possible, JTACs should always adhere to carrying semi/semi-automatic weapon systems with some form of underslung grenade launcher for marking purposes.
Accessories such as all laser/light combos, alongside bipods/foregrips are authorized as per MIL-SIM HQ.
DMRs, AT and LMG/HMGs should not be carried. A JTACβs most effective weapon is their radio, their primary role is to coordinate and provide fire support for their unit. Taking
on other weapon roles will detract from this.
JTACs are authorized to call for fire utilizing indirect fire assets larger than a mortar system. Those authorized to conduct and coordinate those strikes will do a proper collateral damage estimate to minimize effects on civilian infrastructure and personnel.
All artillery fire missions will be conducted on 31.8.
Only authorized personnel who have completed the required qualification course will be authorized to use Long-Range Rifles or Marksman Rifles.
Only authorized personnel who have completed the required qualification course will be authorized to use Long-Range Rifles or Marksman Rifles.
A Marksman Rifle is classified as a scoped high-precision rifle chambered in 5.56x45mm or 7.62x51mm (exceptions may apply) with an optic of 8x Magnification and below, and a typical engagement range between 300 and 600 Meters. This weapon system can be found in bolt-action and semi-automatic configurations. This rifle is for designated marksman (DM) only. The DM is a UNIT-level asset.
The DM is in addition to a unit level asset, meaning that it should not be used unless a unit has a specific need for it. Unit XO/CO may revise as needed.
A Long-Range Rifle (Sniper) is classified as a scoped high-precision rifle chambered in 7.62x51mm or larger (exceptions may apply) with an optic of 4x Magnification and above, and a typical engagement range beyond 600 Meters. This weapon system can be found in bolt-action and semi-automatic configurations. This is a SNIPER asset only.
The use of kestrels is not needed and not permitted for use by the designated marksman.
Vectors and Range Finders are permitted for Spearhead Command Staff, Unit Commanders, JTAC/JFO, and Sniper qualified personnel use.
Spotters must be Sniper qualified but are not allowed to carry either Marksman Rifles or Long-Range Rifles while in the Spotter slot.
Unit Commanders can authorize individual members under their command to utilize the Vector and Range Finders as they deem necessary, and it is the Unit Commanderβs responsibility to police those assets.
Designated Marksman qualifications will be conducted through unit level instruction. The instructor should communicate pass/fail status on attendees to the SHG XO/CO.
Long-Range Rifle (Sniper) qualification will be a much more in-depth class to be taught by either a member of Spearhead Command or a designated member of the Mentor team.
Obtaining this qualification does not mean the use of Long-Range Rifles will be permitted. The availability of Long-Range Rifles will depend on many factors including unit, deployment, and mission objective.
Unit Commanders must determine who will fill Sniper/Spotter roles for a said deployment. The roles will not be mixed or changed mid deployment without approval of SHG CO/XO.
SHG CO/XO/CSM reserves the right to revoke these qualifications at any time, for any reason. Unit Commanders reserve the right to revoke SDM qualifications internal to their unit.
The use of Push-to-Talk is mandatory during all MIL-SIM operations. Failure to comply will result in execution or removal from the TeamSpeak channel.
1-Day, 3-Day, 1-Week, and Permanent bans will be issued according to severity and/or frequency of rule violations. 1 and 3-day bans are to be issued by the players command element. 1-day bans are authorized by all command elements regardless of unit for emergency situations. All bans that are longer than 3-days are only to be issued by MIL-SIM CO/XO.
The Combat-Ready tag is not to be used more than once in a four-hour time period.
The person who tags Combat Ready is expected to lead the patrol and fill out an After-Action Report (AAR) in the operation-after-action channel after completion of the operation.
The person leading the patrol MUST be on Task Force Net at a minimum.
The report is expected on the same calendar day that the patrol takes place.
Grooming standards should be in-line with the faction and or nation being played.
Logistics requests must be completed and approved before any logistical action can take place. Failure to write these requests will result in the action not being saved.
You are allowed to resupply existing COPs & FOBs without a logistics request, you are required to write an AAR afterwards.
Do not make additions or subtractions to the fortifications without prior approval of your CoC. The only exception is in case of emergencies or if existing fortifications have been destroyed.
Do not create, change the name of or otherwise alter existing COPs/FOBs/VCPs without Spearhead HQ consent.
Any items broken due to 'Arma' can be replenished by writing a logistics request with a description of the event that caused the loss.
Do not build while under fire.
Regarding the usage of the helmet cameras, rugged tablets, Galaxy S20 Tactical Edition:
Helmet Cameras may be given out on individual unit leadership CO/XO approval. Please keep them limited and if you do not have a use for them - do not use them.
Rugged tablets may be used by approved leadership. Must at least be at the squad leader level or have a tactical purpose for its use (pilots/JTAC).
S20 Tactical Edition may be carried by Team Leader & above or when approved by leadership for BLUFOR tracking.
To clear up any confusion regarding role slots and certifications; Each unit has its own SOP which will designate the majority of roles that you can slot as, as long as they also follow the Task Force SOP. The following roles have been identified as needing additional clarification.
Medic: You may only join as a medic if you have passed the Combat Life Saver certification. (Taught by @Marcus or SSI Cadre) If you have not received this certification since the KAT update, you need to retake it.
Marksman: You may only slot as a marksman if you have passed the level I marksman course. The marksman is IN ADDITION to a unit asset, meaning you should be able to field your units prior to changing any weapons systems to a marksman platform within that squad. Unit leadership may amend this to the mission set.
EOD: You may only slot as EOD if you can show to your unit leadership that you understand how to; locate, identify, disable and destroy mines/IEDs. Identify all types of- explosives utilized by the taskforce and their trigger systems. Be able to properly identify the blast radius and destructive capabilities of the explosives as well as communicate explosive procedures effectively on a platoon net or above. This role should only be used if the mission necessitates. (edited)
No meta-gaming is allowed while in the server.
You should not be in discord calls with the same people that are in the server as you are. This is why we use TeamSpeak.
If you are streaming or watching someone else's stream, you should not be giving information outside of game to other units. Use the in-game comms.
You should not be direct messaging people in the server through Steam/Discord/TeamSpeak.
You should not be typing within any channel in Arma.
Any abuse of the base medical system will result in a 1-day ban. If multiple infractions from the same user are witnessed then the users ban will be increased appropriately. Such abuse includes, but is not limited to:
Moving its position from a medical tent
Building them outside of the main base or approved bases
Original Spearhead Document Spearhead Gaming Mil-Sim SOP