Sniper Team Patrols
This covers the Standard Operating Procedures for the 75th Ranger Regiment concerning unit member requirements for Sniper Teams to mount a patrol.
No members is permitted to leave the wire on a patrol without the required 4 personal needed per the Spearhead SOP's. If you are planning to conduct a patrol as a 2 man Sniper Team you are required to following according to 75th Ranger Regiment Leadership requirements.
Sniper Team Requirements
1x Sniper 2 qualified
1x Senior Member
Both members of the sniper team should be well versed in Radio Communication and Land Nav.
Senior Member
A "Senior Member' is someone that has been through RASP and completed Required Training Events for what ever tasks they are attempting to participate in. They are expected to know what they are doing and can complete tasks assigned.
QRF Team
4 x Members This team is to act as a support team for the sniper team in the case that they should come into contact to assist in allowing them to retreat and return to base safely.
The 4 Members of the QRF Team can be all 75th or a Mix or 75th and 3rd ID.
This mean that you are required a total of 6 persons to conduct a 2 man Sniper Team Patrol and should plan your movement, locations of Sniper Team and QRF Team prior to leaving the base.
Last updated