Deployment Server SOP's
No less than four PAKs (personnel) may conduct an operation out of the base perimeter at any time. If at any time during an operation you fall below the minimum number, the unit must RTB and fill out the proper After-Action Report.
You may leave the base up to 100m for defense if under attack with four PAKs.
A minimum of TWO PAKs may conduct logistics operations inside friendly areas of operation. Moving personnel from base to friendly forces in the field is considered logistics. One person may leave friendly forces in the field to collect other personnel at base.
When leading a patrol of any kind, the organizer of said patrol / team / squad leader must fill out an After-Action Report (AAR) in the #operation-after-action channel in discord. The AAR must contain the following:
Members Involved
Amount of FKIA/WIA/MIA.
Amount of EKIA (including vehicles)
A detailed report of the mission plan and results. This includes eight-digit grid references for any major points of the plan.
Pictures of AO are suggested but not required.
Keep the FOB clean!!!
Put any spare ammo away in crates, bag bodies and place them in the adjacent building to the ammo crate.
If you remove items from your person, remove it while in arsenal. If you do remove items outside of the arsenal, it is your responsibility to remove it from the deck.
If you are KIA, you may not requisition a vehicle to return to the AO without a minimum of 4 PAKs and clearing with leadership that you are to do so.
While you may want to get back into the AO as quickly as possible, getting yourself or others killed/losing a vehicle is unacceptable.
In vehicle and personal music radios may only be used when not in contact, or under the possibility of contact. Squad lead and above may authorize the use of the music radio. Any abuse of the music radio during operations will result in immediate disciplinary action.
In vehicle and personal music radios may only be used when not in contact, or under the possibility of contact. Squad lead and above may authorize the use of the music radio. Any abuse of the music radio during operations will result in immediate disciplinary action.
In case of contact with local press, all questions should be diverted to Spearhead HQ. If inside or near a combat zone, press should immediately be removed from the area. In the case of a refusal, force up to and including physical detention is authorized. Non-combatants of all kinds must be released after being detained if they do not present an active threat.
When we operate out of an Airbase no personnel outside of Aviation are allowed to cross the active runway on foot or in ground vehicles. All traffic will remain on the proper roads and taxiways.
Last updated