75th Ranger Regiment Probationary Training Requirements
Updated: 02/08/2025
All new personnel who are accepted after completing RASP will undergo a 120-day probationary period during which they must fulfill specific requirements that will be broken down into Phase-1 and Phase-2.
Phase-1 (First 60 Days)
Unit SOP Breakdown
Land Nav
CLS (Combat Lifesaver)
Infantry Warfare (Dismounted)
Jump School
Air Assault School
Phase-2 (Second 60 Days)
Basic Radio Communications
Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT)
Close-Quarters Combat (CQB)
Infantry Warfare (Mounted)
HALO Jump School
Special Operations Diver
Upon completion of the Phase-1 and Phase-2 training and the 120 days you will earn your Ranger Tab and be allowed to take more advanced training courses and move to other positions within the unit.
Last updated