Approved weapons are designated by the mission/mission maker. You are authorized to use all accessories that are provided to you in the arsenals by the mission maker.
Suppressors are NOT authorized for general use, only Command Staff can authorize use and only if necessary for mission success.
DMRs will only be used with Platoon Leader (PL), or Platoon Sergeant (PS) approval based on operation needs.
A. Basic Authorized Weapons
1. Semi / Semi-Automatic weapons with short -> mid-range optics always.
2. Any approved LMG that is needed for the mission (249 SAW, etc.)
3. Any handgun or secondary weapon, as needed for the mission.
4. AT4 and LAW (or equivalent) are to be carried by those able.
B. Weapons Team
1. Carl Gustov/MAAWs, and Javelin
2. All medium machine guns and Crew Served Weapons (M2, Mortar, etc.)
3. Anti-air weapons
4. Designated Marksman is considered an attached unit and will fall under Weapons.
Role Selection
Slots are semi-restricted as some mission makers like to limit arsenals to each slot, medical slots are only ones with medic perms, machine guns are only accessible to those in MG slots, etc. You must slot in as your unit (in this case 75th). Those in the HQ element are the only ones allowed to slot into those slots. Squad Leaders and Team Leaders should slot into their respective roles (1st Squad Leader in 1st Squad Leaders Spot etc.) Everyone should slot into their respective squads and fire teams. If you are not sure what Squad or Fireteam you belong to, check the 75th Roster located in the document page of our discord.
The only persons who are permitted to slot as medic are those who have passed the CLS course and have been cleared by the lead medic and have been given the medic designation by command.
Vehicle Operations
You may not operate in the gunner position of any motor vehicle without having prior experience or training in its use.
Any friendly vehicle brought out past the wire is to be expected to be returned to its original staging area.
If they are not operational, then recover the vehicle and repair it.
If you are unable to repair the vehicle, recover the vehicle, and notate its location and condition via AAR. If you are unable to recover the vehicle, destroy it.
The basic US Army uniform is the only authorized uniform of the 75th. Uniforms will be designated by the mission/mission maker. Grooming standards should be in line with the faction and or nation being played.
All uniform gear is designated by the mission maker. Patrol Caps and Boonies are authorized for use on base only, outside the wire proper PPE is required. All 75th are to use a lightweight backpack unless acting as Ammo Bearer, Medic, or RTO. Long-range radios should only be used by HQ elements and JTAC/RTOs. Do not collect weapons from other group arsenals.
Basic Gear Loadout
Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK):
20x Packing Bandages
5x Elastic Bandages
2x Chest Seals
4x Tourniquets
2x Plasma (500 mL)
2x 16g IV
1x Pain Killers
Primary Weapon (attachments noted above when applicable)
10x Magazines for Primary-800 rounds for 5.56 LMG-400 rounds for 7.62 LMG
10x 40mm HE Grenades (when in Grenadier slot)
Secondary/Sidearm (Optional) with spare magazine
Map and Compass
NVGs (if applicable)
Short Range Radio (if applicable)
2x Fragmentation Grenades
2x White Smoke Grenades
3x blue glow sticks and IR Strobe.
Suppressors, if available, should be kept in a backpack and attached when authorized. Suppressors should not be handed out to other units unless permitted by the 75th PL/PS or during a patrol, by the individual who is leading the patrol.
During Weekend Operations: PL or PS will give the unit permission to use them when it is operationally appropriate.
During Patrols: The Patrol Leader, the one that pings βCombat Readyβ, has approval if those members of the 75th can use suppressors during their patrol.
Attendance Expectations
All members of the 75th are expected to mark their attendance for the weekend operation, whether attending or not at least once within a period of three weeks. Failure to mark attendance within this period will result in removal from the 75th. If this happens you can re-apply at any time by applying in the #Milsim-Applications channel of Discord. Depending on how long your absences are, you may be required to attend RASP over again.
If a member of the 75th needs an extended period for whatever reason, that member should inform either the PL or PS and fill out the Leave of Absence located in the 75th Discord. You will be placed as a Reserve Member while your LoA is active.
Leave of Absence
LOAs will only last 2 months from the day of submission.
If you should return before the End Date supplied, your active LOA will be considered complete, and you will be required to submit a new LOA to receive that status moving forward should you need it.
The only exception will be for military members that are deployed or on extended training.
With that being said, requesting to be moved to Reserve Status on the Roster will not exclude you from the required attendance checks posted each week prior to the Operation and Mandatory Platoon Training Events.
Training and Advancements
Platoon Level Training Events are Mandatory for all unit members excluding persons on active Leave of Absence or other approved absences.
Squad / Team Level Training, while not mandatory, is highly encouraged to attend training courses when announced. This is so you can be up to date on current SOP, tactics, new training material, and building unit comradery.
All members are expected to be willing to assist new players with the basic functions of the game, including key binds, controls, and explanations of movement speeds/stances.
All Squad and Team leaders are expected to show up for any future RASP to help evaluate incoming candidates. Other members of the unit may be asked to help.
Those that are wanting to move into a TL or SL position, talk to the XO about your interest in moving up. Understand that there are few TL and SL slots, so it may be a while until a slot becomes available. Once a slot become available, you will have to attend RASP a second time.
Last updated